Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. He’s got more skills in other areas and if you’re interested in knowing what those areas are, read the readme. He’s got all of the range attacks (Master Power Blast, Master Rapid Shot, and Master Sniper Shot) maxed out, when before he didn’t even have any special range attacks. He’s got some better skills that come with him. There are some benefits in having T3 being a Rakatan type droid in this mod. In TSL that means just right after you get Atton out of jail on Peragus, so it’s pretty early. :pīare in mind that if you want this mod to take full effect, you must start at a point before T3-M4 enters your party.
If you’re nice to him, maybe he’ll make you a mod request. Keep in mind that this mod was made by request, which means SykoRevan was a nice enough person to make this request for SuperSaiyanZolo at Holowan Labs. Anyway, what if T3-M4 came into your party looking like one of those Rakatan droids? If you like that idea, this mod will bring it to you. Still, there is something about those droids that just. Some people like to refer to them as spider droids, but spiders had eight legs and these have four. One of the types of droids we were introduced to in the original Knights of the Old Republic game was the Rakatan droids. After developing a personality, he started making beeps like R2-D2.
In the game time calendar, the events of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords happened and T3-M4 was one of three returning party members. T3 is like R2-D2 4000 years earlier, but brand new at the time and not much of a personality. T3-M4 was introduced in the original Knights of the Old Republic game when your PC bought the astromech droid on Taris before Darth Malak wiped it out.